Sunday, 12 October 2014


October 12, 2014 was my 55th birthday.  One thing about my birthday is that I share it with my elder sister though we are not twins!  The message I have for the people of Uganda on my birthday is that I can deliver them to the Promised Land - the ideal Pearl of Africa. If they can help mobilize to support for the strategy I have for the biggest chair.

Uganda’s Problem:

Uganda’s problem is the mass poverty, ignorance, high youth population figures with majority unemployed, disease, environmental degradation, the difference between the budget and budget out-turn of about 30%, corruption, poor governance record due to the fact that the regime is using all possible strategies to retain power, an unbelievably huge administrative infrastructure and the too much power which the President holds.  These are greatly attributed to the bad NRM – O politics.  

The article:  “UGANDA @ 50; Evils of Poverty, Ignorance, Disease & Corruption Persist,” at the link below is a good resource:

Youthful population
The State of Uganda’s Population Report 2012 was released in December 2012, according to the ­ findings; Uganda has the world’s youngest population, with over 78% below 30 years, while more than 52% of Ugandans are below 15 years.  Currently, at least 83% of young people have no formal employment, partly due to slow economic growth, the small labour market, high population growth rate, the rigid education system, rural-urban migration and limited access to capital.

67% of Ugandans vulnerable to poverty
About 67% of Ugandans are either poor or highly vulnerable to poverty, the expenditure review for Uganda 2012 by the Directorate of Social Protection in the gender ministry has revealed.

Dr. Fred Matovu, a senior lecturer of economics at Makerere University, who participated in the review, said the study was aimed at establishing the number of Ugandans who require social protection due to their susceptibility to poverty.
Matovu said the 67% represented both Ugandans who spend below the poverty line of $ 1.20 (about sh3,170)per day and those who are below twice the poverty line, $2.40 (about sh6,340) per day.

Going by the United Nation’s Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA), Uganda currently has 34.5 million people, meaning about 23.1 million are prone to poverty, and about 8.4 million of them (about 24.5%) are trapped in absolute poverty.

Good Governance and Human Rights in Uganda
Uganda as a country has a governance record that is positively affected by the NRM – O wish to be in State House for a very long time.  It is already 28 years with one President.  It can be a big miracle for such a Government not to violate rights of the people in order to retain office.  This is the reason that greatly affects the Good Governance in Uganda.
        I.            There is need to focus on strengthening democratization, protection of human rights, access to justice, peaceful co-existence and improved accountability in Uganda.
      II.            Greater support to Justice, Law and Order Sector, that is focusing on promotion of the rule of law. This includes direct support to the Judiciary concentrating on improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the institution.
    III.            Enhance the quality of service delivery through improved local governance and accountability.

The Environment situation
1)     Many of Uganda's natural ecosystems are undergoing conversion, degradation, and decline in a totally unplanned and uncontrolled manner. Examples include: uncontrolled expansion of agricultural land; erosion of soils and a decline in soil fertility; falling quality and availability of water; unregulated encroachment and degradation of wetlands; encroachment of forest reserves; deforestation and overgrazing of rangelands; and invasion of weed species and bush encroachment. With the country's current population of 22 million set to double by the year 2020, these pressures are bound to be insurmountable without sustainable action at both the national and community levels.

2)     Most Ugandans are completely reliant on natural resources to survive. Forests provide fuel-wood and cleared land frees arable soil for agriculture. Uganda loses about 6,000 hectares of forests every 30 days according. If no action is registered by 2050, Uganda’s per capita forest cover will be zero (NEMA, 2009). Already 28 districts have lost their entire forest ecosystem while another 19 districts have forest cover lower than 1%.

As forests give way to agricultural land, the soil is exposed to erosion and loses its fertility. Where cattle are introduced, grazing also affects soil quality, opens the way for invasive species and reduces the diversity of plant species. Other related problems include falling quality and availability of water.

There must be a deliberate effort to see sustainable environment management policies in place through enhancing sustainable conservation and utilization of natural resources and climate change adaptation and mitigation, strengthen the capacities of institutions (Government and Civil Society Organisations) to undertake sustainable environment and natural resources actions aimed at:

  •      Biodiversity Conservation and Restoration of Degraded Ecosystems,
  •    Scaling-up successful SLM models and approaches, (iii) Enhancing Efficient Utilization of Biomass Energy, Renewable Energy Technologies (RET), and reduction in GHG emissions and
  •      Promoting Climate Change Resilient Development.

Big administration infrastructure
1.      69 Ministers, 327 Members of Parliament, 278 political appointees who include 80 resident District Commissioners and assistants, 75 presidential advisors and 43 private presidential secretaries and their deputies. This is just a picture of Uganda's over-the-top public administration. Pearl of Africa as commonly known is argued that not only is it a sleeping giant but also an over-governed and unproductive country.

2.      It has many administrative units; 45,000 local councils, 5500 parishes, 1026 sub-counties, 151 counties, 18 municipalities and 80 districts. All these structures have executive 10 man executive officials. So, the total number of officials is 10 times the number of every administrative unit.  

3.      How does this nation manage its servants? Uganda's expenditure is very enormous and abnormal.

4.      A presidential advisor and his deputy earn 908.5 million Ugandan shillings enough to pay 378 primary school teachers a salary of 200,000 Ugandan shillings a month.
5.      Private presidential secretary and his assistant earn 7.5 billion shillings enough to; support 2,077 primary schools with 800 pupils each, buy drugs for 890 health centers, construct 935 classrooms or pay 37,500 primary school teachers. Members of Parliament altogether earn 57 billion excluding the allowances, the 69 ministers have all sorts of allowances and only government expenditure on Ministers vehicles fuel, oil and maintenance in 2006/07 was 92 billion Ugandan shillings.  

6.      Uganda has over 31 million people. According to the Ministry of Health, there's one doctor to every 300,000 people. Surprisingly, there's one administrative leader to every 6 Ugandans. Uganda has one of the poorest administrative structures in the entire world. The poor administration can and only provides poor services to its citizens. The government at times makes good policies but it's very hard for them to be implemented leading to all these and many other deficiencies.

Source: Major Problems facing Uganda today –

The matter of a huge administrative infrastructure must be addressed in national interest.  The NRM - O is using it as a strategy for regime longevity, hence keeps people who should have long retired on pay roll even when they are not productive. 

Over 11 million Ugandans are suffering from Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) and if not treated some may lead to death.

This was revealed by the national coordinator of NTDs, Dr. Edridah Tukahebwa during the launch of the country’s master plan for elimination of NTDs by 2020.  Tukahebwa, who is also the assistant commissioner health services (vector control) in the ministry of health, disclosed that 2m Ugandans are infected with Bilharzia in 63 districts out of 112 in the country.  She said 4.8m are suffering from Elephantiasis in 54 districts while 4m are infected with River blindness in 37 districts and 1m are suffering from Trachoma in 36 districts.


The World Bank says that corruption costs Uganda over Shs 900 billion per annum, equivalent to the annual budgets of the government’s biggest departments.

Regionally, Uganda is the third most corrupt country in the East African region after Burundi and Kenya according to the Corruption Perception Index 2011 released by Transparency International in December 2011. Rwanda and Tanzania are “cleaner” than Uganda.
See more at: 

This money can easily be saved if there is the political will as those who play a big role in the theft are those politically connected.  You can ask yourself where the NRM – O gets all the money they pour into the polls.  They are a beneficiary of the corruption machinery, hence, in the circumstances; it is a joke to imagine that they can seriously hunt the animal that feeds them.

I am not corrupt, and I can promise a law to conclusively deal with the corrupt, where the giver and receiver of corruption both end up in Luzira or its equivalent with no option for a fine, and also losing the Government job as well as publicity on Internet that whoever deals with them does so on his/her own risk.

Presidential Powers:

The proposals in place to see to reduced powers of the President have to be debated and implemented.  Uganda should get modern with a President who suits the modern times, not a dictator who is backed by the instruments of power, and as the proposals are passed, they should immediately become law in the same term.

I have not subscribed as a member to any existing Political Party in Uganda because I am not satisfied with them.  I don’t need to form a Political Party to day, what is needed is that mass of Ugandans interested in a clean up in the governance of Uganda, this, together with a worldwide mobilization of resources to back the strategy.

There is serious weakness among the opposition candidates in Uganda in that they are even unable to come up with statistics showing how people voted at various polling stations throughout the country, hence wait for the figures by the Electoral Commission!  This should be made history, in that, at all Gazetted Polling Stations, there should be manpower that can finally get a copy of the agreed to results sheet duly signed, meaning that as the Electoral Commission compiles results, the opposite team is equally compiling and can release the outcome at liberty if need arises.

I don’t believe in a policy that Government does not get involved in business.  For the sake of employment creation as well as having our industries competitive enough, Government MUST do business more so agro – processing industrialization, and ensure that monitoring is well done.  This does not leave the areas of cooperatives and marketing unattended to, Marketing Boards MUST be re- instated.

There must be motivation to the Medical Doctors and teachers among other professionals so that they deliver 1st class services to the people in Uganda.  Infrastructure for treatment of cases currently referred out of the country MUST be realized, hence phase out this treatment from abroad which costs so much the taxpayer.

Regional Governments have to take shape in a Federal arrangement throughout the country, and the states must be able to determine their priories for growth.
The Parliament size has to be reduced so that the 2021 elections come when Uganda has a size of Parliament that fits the budget, representation must be according to population figures.

Government sponsorship which currently does not make economic sense has to be phased out, instead see reduced tuition fees and a needy scheme as well as a sustainable loan scheme in place.

Women Empowerment

        I.            Although Uganda has made considerable strides in gender equality, especially manifest in the proportion of women national legislators at 34.9 percent - higher than the world average of 19.47 percent - there is still a challenge to empower women at domestic levels. Maternal mortality rates are still high, with 16 women who die while giving birth every day. UNDP supports the government to create gender-sensitive policies, budgeting and economic plans. It also works towards social and economic empowerment of women at grassroots.
      II.            The social domestic setting gives women an unfair start in life compared to men. The average Ugandan woman spends nine hours a day on labour activities such as fetching water, firewood and caring for the sick, according to the Uganda MDG Report 2007.
    III.            The burden of care makes the woman particularly vulnerable when it comes to competing on the job market as it affects girls’ ability to concentrate on education and compete favourably. It is no wonder literacy rates for Ugandans aged 10 years and above is at 79 percent for men, but 66 percent for women, according to the Uganda Bureau of Statistics’ Statistical Abstract for 2012. For women, dropouts from school are due to financial constraints, family responsibilities, illness, early marriages and pregnancies.
  IV.            Girls in social settings are handed domestic household chores, usually because their mothers are working in farm and non-farm activities to supplement household resources.  And although women comprise an estimated 70 percent of those working in agriculture, they  experience unequal access to, and control over, important productive resources, notably land, which limits their ability to raise productivity and even move out of subsistence agriculture, according to the Uganda MDG Report 2010.

Persons with disabilities
According to the 2002 Population and Housing Census, at least 4 out of every 25, or 16 per cent of the population, are disabled.

There is need to promote more chances/opportunities in employment and other areas for people with disabilities.  The need to improved access to basic education, vocational training relevant to labour market needs and jobs suited to their skills, interests and abilities, with adaptations as needed. There is also need to dismantle other barriers – hence making the physical environment more accessible, providing information in a variety of formats, and challenging attitudes and mistaken assumptions about people with disabilities.

FOR a country with fertile land and abundant rainfall which give it a strong comparative advantage in agriculture, Uganda’s agriculture performance is weak. Agricultural productivity per worker, at approximately $200 per year, is among the lowest in the world.

Real growth in agriculture has averaged only two percent per annum over the last 10 years, less than a third of the average growth of the rest of the Ugandan economy. Productivity is especially low in the food crop sub-sector, which is dominated by smallholder farmers, because farmers use rudimentary farm technology and produce mainly for subsistence rather than the market. 
Unless there are radical changes in our approach to agriculture, our agricultural performance will weaken further, with very deleterious consequences for rural poverty, employment, inequality, geographically balanced growth and food security. 

It is imperative to implement a comprehensive strategy to support smallholder agriculture if we are to avert a long term decline in the agricultural sector; a decline which will be accelerated by the exploitation of our oil resources.
If we can help the broad mass of farmers in this country to become more productive, raise their yields and sell more of their output on the market, it will be possible to create a more dynamic agricultural sector which is strong enough to survive despite the adverse impacts of oil on the real exchange rate.
Furthermore, by supporting Uganda’s farmers to increase their marketable output, we can boost agro-processing industries and thus promote industrialization. Strengthening agriculture will not be possible without devoting more public resources to support the sector, but how we spend public resources is critical. 

What should be our strategy for agriculture? 
The goal of agricultural strategy should be to support the modernization of agriculture. Modernization entails farmers adopting good agricultural practices to maximize their profit and selling more of their output on the market. It will bring about a switch towards the production of higher value crops, as well as raising yields per acre and yields per worker. 

A feasible strategy for agricultural development in Uganda must have at its centre support for smallholder farmers. Smallholders comprise 96% of Uganda’s farmers. It is unrealistic to expect that Uganda’s agricultural performance can be turned around by ignoring smallholders and focusing instead on large farms. 
Modernizing smallholder farming will entail smallholders making greater use of purchased farm inputs. Hence modernization will require smallholders having better access to finance.

Nevertheless finance is unlikely to be the binding constraint on modernisation of smallholder agriculture and unless more important constraints are tackled, enhancing smallholders’ access to finance will be ineffective.
Policy measures to strengthen the provision of financial services in the rural areas must be part of a much broader set of interventions to support smallholders to adopt modern farm technology and produce for the market, of the type I have already mentioned.

Unless smallholders have adopted good agricultural practices, such as the use of improved seeds, proper field preparation, timely planting, weeding and pest control, proper harvest and post harvest handling, etc – practices which can improve yields significantly - they will not be able to utilize credit effectively because their farms will not be profitable. 

Information & Communication Technology
A lot to be done to make technology affordable and wide spread to ease the life of the people of Uganda and their productivity.



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