William Kituuka
C/o P. O. Box 2506,
Email: wkituuka@myself.com
Tel: +256 776 981628
+256 706 159005
20th December 2013
Dear Sirs,
I have been involved in issues of Good Governance Practice in Uganda for 20 years and made some impact through communicating to authorities over governance practice that needed better approach, and I have blogs with the communication. I have also been involved in social issues; for instance, for 8 years, I have been in mobilization efforts for the Old Boys of St. Mary’s College Kisubi and have been able to publish an electronic Magazine for at least 6 years. I now have made a resolution to turn my efforts to the development efforts of Namutamba Parish in Mityana district of Uganda. This, after it back slid as regards progress following the collapse of Namutamba Tea Estate & Dairy Farm as well as the withdraw of Government support to Namutamba Primary Teachers’ College both of which were pillars in the initial development of the locality. The support I am looking for will enable me make mobilization of the locals into Self Help Groups (SHGs) as well as funds for office operations including movement into the community with resource persons as well as helping some of the locals with planting materials and pesticides support. The area is agriculturally productive; hence people need to be empowered to work in groups and competitively to be able to see productivity boosted for the ready market in Mityana Town and beyond. The initial test of the effort will be on World Food Day which will be observed on Saturday, 18 October 2014, where the groups will have to show what they have produced in stalls and a number of visitors will be invited to participate and also buy the produce. This will pave way for serious marketing strategies which will slowly but steadily help the area to get back to its feet and realize its potential.
To-date, transport from Mityana which a distance of 12 – 15 miles to areas of Namutamba Parish is a big problem. Taxi’s are not reliable such that one is forced to use a commercial motor cycle which costs shs 7,000 or more and indeed very insecure. The locals have to buy most of the basics from Mityana town as there are no shops worth mentioning. The mobile Money transactions which have boomed in many other areas of the country are yet to be realized here such that people have to go to Mityana for the services. Reliable Medical services are available at Mityana, yet they would be readily available in the parish.
The primary school which was a pride of the area by the name of Namutamba Demonstration School has greatly declined and many of the teachers’ residences have collapsed and a number of teaching aids unavailable.
The main projected activities for 2014 are as below:
Reach out to the local authorities to inform them about the initiative.
December 2013
Get to the members of the community and inform them about the development initiative.
December 2013
Bring on board a Social worker who is experienced with Self Help Group (SHG) formation to organize the meetings with the community members for briefing.
January 2014
Get meetings with the community members to brief them about the advantages of working in groups, enhancing savings and competitiveness.
January 2014
Have (SHGs) formed
January 2014
Get group activities off ground including meeting resource / technical persons in crop and animal husbandry as well as nutrition, better health, environment management
February – March 2014
Have group activities off ground in form of crop and domestic animal enterprises in preparation for the World Food Day to be commemorated on Saturday, 18th October 2014 at Namutamba Primary Teachers’ College Play Ground.
March – September 2014
Making marketing connections to Mityana town and beyond
May onwards
Actual preparations for the activities of World Food Day and the competitions as well as inviting visitors and publicity.
September – October 2014
World Food Day activities including awarding prizes to best performers in selected areas which will include gardens and management, stall outlook, presentation in form of songs and drama.
Saturday, 18th October 2014
Evaluation of the achievements at World Food Day and the whole project.
Later part of October onwards.
Some of my works can be accessed on the links below:
Thank you very much.
Yours faithfully,
William Kituuka
Founder member
Namutamba Must Develop Initiative
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