Monday 14 April 2014


Since the day President Yusuf Kironde Lule was overthrown, I fell out with Mr. Museveni when he met us on a peaceful demonstration with his men and they forced us back to school, however, given that background, I try to be very objective when policy issues are being handled.  It is against that background that I have in the past openly pointed out the mistakes of Erias Lukwago, and which mistakes he must address in the event that he is re-instated to the office of Lord Mayor.

I have questioned the criteria which Meddie Nsereko uses in selecting the people who feature in his programme between 7.00 – 9.00pm on CBS 89.2 FM.  The people who are objective must appreciate the strategies undertaken by Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) to de - congest the city and see cleanliness, business order to mention but a few.  I have on a number of occasions heard from those hosted on various talk shows saying that they are late simply because of the traffic jams.  Many investors want to leave Uganda simply because of the time they need to connect from one part of the city.

It becomes cheap politicking for some politicians who include Hon. Nsereko, and others who always blame KCCA for the trade order they are creating.  However, these politicians never get the sense to argue why after many goods of hawkers are confiscated, the practice just keeps on.  Some of these people argue that these hawkers are looking for a living, no body objects to this, however, they have to fend for the living in a given legal framework.  I wonder why these politicians never organize these hawkers, get their voice and advocate for a place where these people can work from and pay very little dues.  I want to respect Lawyer Nsibambi, but he has to remain objective.  Many who have travelled wonder what type of city Kampala is.  We are aware that the NRM Government is responsible for much business dis-order, however, if it is time to address the anomaly, then it is fine.  Nsibambi does not want vendors to be put to order.  If he were in authority at KCCA, I don’t know whether he would leave the influx, it simply defeats logic.  People must be put to order even when they are the source of votes.

I am one of those who advocate for leadership in Kampala that promotes professionalism, than cheap politicking by politicians for the sake of getting votes why service delivery is compromised.  Those of us who have suffered the traffic jams play that all possible is done to de-congest the city so that traffic movement is eased.

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