We are reliably informed
that the law in force related to Marriage is of 1904. Unfortunately, many of us are ignorant that
those practicing law are seeing daily encounters on issues to do with marriage. Parliament has therefore the obligation of
coming up with a law that is reflective of the problems in the
institution. The Speaker of Parliament
deferring the Bill for three months makes a lot of sense as long as we get the
input of the people who are informed.
One of the contentious issues is that of Marital Rape. This bit can be got out of the law so that it
is dealt with by Courts of law as the issues arise. 2ndly, it is true that Religious
organizations are coming in time and again; however, the fact of the matter is
that these institutions are not involved in sorting marital issues, in which
case, the state has to finally handle this matter. 3rd, we are informed that the
cohabitation is increasing because the bride price is an issue. It is easy for men from tribes which require
high bride price to marry women from areas where the bride price is almost
negligible. It is incumbent upon the
Government of Uganda to make legislation in light with circumstances. It is wrong to say that the cohabitation is
contrary to the religious requirements, when in most instances those who
cohabit have it as a short run issue, which eventually gets them to have
children, etc. It will be wrong on the
part of Government to leave out cohabitation, when to date, majority of the ‘marriages’
are cohabiting type.
The Bill ought to consider
people who get property in their name(s) but when the actual owner of the
property is disguised. This is a
‘normal’ practice today more so among those corrupt members of Uganda society
who use others to disguise the assets they own.
The position therefore is
to get facts, let us have those in legal practice including Uganda Human Rights
Commission to compile the facts and basing on the final findings make those the
basis for the law which can not be put in the waste basket, though some aspects
within the Bill can be deferred including marital rape, which can be subject to
abuse or even the burden of proof in court.
William Kituuka Kiwanuka

Rebecca Kadaga (Hon) Speaker of Parliament
The marriage and divorce bill has been deferred for three months.
The speaker of parliament Rebecca Kadaga deferred the debate to allow MPs
time to carry out further consultations.
This is after the author of the bill Justice and Constitutional
Affairs Minister Maj Gen. Kahinda Otafiire said that MPs needed more time
to explain the contents and implication of the legislation to the
Otafiire said that when he went for consultations he discovered that
some people were totally ignorant about the bill while others had been
The Speaker of Parliament Rebecca Kadaga has granted the request and
agreed that even some MPs needed more sensitization on bill.
The Marriage and Divorce Bill 2009 seeks to regulate issues of
marriage and divorce with marital rape and property rights being some of
the controversial clauses.
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