Welcome to Namutamba Demonstration School
In 2011; Namutamba
Demonstration School made 75 years teaching children from within
Namutamba Parish. We thank God very much for the products of the
school; the teachers who have been devoted through the years; and we
pray to God for a better future of the Demonstration School.

The sign post which directs you where you have to branch off to go to the school
Geographical LocationNamutamba
village derives its name from Namutamba Hill, located in Bulera Sub
County in Mityana District. Mityana District was established on July
1st 2005 by an act of parliament with the aim of making administration
and service delivery easier. Initially the district was part of Mubende
District. Namutamba is an eighty eight (88) kilometers’ journey West
of Kampala, via Mityana and twenty one (21) kilometers north of Mityana
by road. Kampala is the Capital city of Uganda, our country being a
land locked country is situated in East Africa.The climate shows small variation of temperature, humidity and winds. The district experiences rain throughout the year, with heavy rains in March- April and September- November. The annual average rainfall is 930mm. It was a fertile hill, with an altitude of 13,520M above the sea level and used to be mostly covered in tall elephant grass. The high altitude ensures favorable climate with medium annual temperatures ranging from 17.2 degrees to 29 degrees centigrade

The School was started in 1936 AD as a Community School at Butumbizi. The Proprietor was Mr. LEA WILSON a British who came in the area to open up a Tea Estate.

The landscape of the Tea Estate, the pillar behind Namutamba initial growth by the Lea Wilson's

In 1946, the School was promoted to full Primary status that is from primary one to six and officially made a Demonstration School.

staff of six at Namutamba Demonstration School - 1946. Third from
right is Mr. G. Tibamwenda who was appointed headmaster after Rev.
Blasio Lwanga
In 1957, a Junior Secondary School was started with
Mr. G. W. Kiberu and Mr. John Nagenda the class teachers. The Head
teacher was Mr. G K TibamwendaIn July Mr. Nagenda John left for
Makerere University.
The Late Besuel Kiwanuka
1959, the Principal, Mr. Kayongo appointed Mr. Besuel Kiwanuka Head of
the upper classes and Mr. Tibamwenda the Head of the primary section.
There were two heads under one School. In December 196,1 Mr. Besuel
Kiwanuka was transferred to Kasaka Junior Secondary school. 
Mr. G.W. Kiberu
Mr. Kiberu was appointed Head teacher of the junior section after the
departure of Mr. Besuel Kiwanuka. July 1959, Mr. Kiberu left for an
upgrading course at Buloba, and returned in 1960. Mr. Nabembezi Joshua
Ssalongo was the 1st Head teacher of the fully integrated Namutamba
Demonstration School and this was in 1964.

Mr. Nabembezi
September 1965, Mr. Nabembezi was granted a Commonwealth Scholarship
to study Education Administration in The United Kingdom.

Mr. Fred Muleto
When Nabembezi left, Mr. Samuel Munyegenyo was appointed Acting Head
teacher. Mr. J. Fred. Muleto (Ssalongo) joined the staff of Namutamba
Demonstration School in September 1966. In January 1967, Muleto was
appointed Head teacher hence taking over from Mr. Munyegenyo. Mr.
Muleto left in April 1968 to take up an appointment as Assistant
Education Officer within in the Ministry of Education.

Mr. Kasule Yekosofati
Kasule Yekosofati joined Namutamba staff on 1st January 1966. On 1st
May 1968, he was appointed third full Head teacher succeeding Mr.
Muleto. At the end of 1970; Kasule went to study for a diploma at
Makerere University Kampala.When Mr. Kasule Yekosofati left, Mr. Kaboggoza Kalibbala David replaced him and was Head teacher up to 1977. Kaboggoza had been District Sports Officer for Mubende district. Mr. Njagala Godfrey was promoted Head teacher of Namutamba Demonstration School after the departure of Kaboggoza, but his appointment was short as he took up a teaching post at Namutamba Teachers College.
Mr. Sebuliba Seth replaced Mr. Njagala as Head teacher in 1980 and he was Head teacher of the school up to 1985

Mrs. Merab. C. Bukenya
1st woman Head teacher appointed was Mrs. Merab. C. Bukenya. This was
in 1986 and she stayed in the position up to her retirement in 1994.
Mr. John Kataza Head teacher
1995, Mr. Kataza John Livingstone was appointed Head teacher of the
school the position he held up to 2001. Later he was replaced by Mr.
Kyobe Nathaniel who was Head teacher up to 2004 when he was
transferred. Mr Kataza was re-appointed to Head the school a position
he holds holds to-date 2011.

Appreciation of the Demonstration School

The Main Building with Primary Seven Classes at Namutamba Dem.

Children having porridge for lunch in what serves as the Kitchen
The sorry state of what serves as a Library. The place is so small and no infrastructure for a Library in place.
The place above serves for worship as well as a cool environment for reading
Some of the children at school

The sorry state of one of the teacher's house. This situation is to all staff accommodation at the Demonstration School.

A staff house in a very bad shape

One of the three newly put up buildings at the School

A former primary one class abandoned due to the state in which it is; however can be repaired

This building stands incomplete, and there is worry that it may get damaged before completion.

The School website: http://www.namutambademschool.webs.com/
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